Sayu Lore

Sayura Toyofuku is the goddess of good fortune residing over the Toyofuku Shrine, located on Ame-no-Enman (天之円満). Born formally as Sayura-no-Toyofuku-no-Kami (咲友羅豊福神), her name is ironic as her last name means "rich luck", though her luck is garbage. Her first name means "blooming friend".

About the Toyofuku Shrine🎐"Ame-no-Enman" means harmonious; peaceful; happy; amicable; smooth; free from trouble.🎐In truth, her shrine looks big on the outside, does have several rooms, but there is nothing in them since she's poor. Hence the joke that her shrine is nothing but a 2D image, and is only decorated on one side.

About Sayu's Parents
🎐Born to a Kitsune father and Ookami mother, has never met her birthparents. She lives with 2 kind humans who took her in when they mistook her human form for a young child.
🎐Calls herself the "god" of her shrine, but few believe her because she has no special abilities.


豊福  咲友羅・Sayura Toyofuku
Half Kitsune, half Ōkami. (My Kitsune blood lets me take human form so sometimes I roam the human world~)
I live in my shrine, on my own celestial plane separate from the human, spirit, and underworlds. But my human form usually loiters around California!

🎐▬▬▬▬▬ 面白い事・Fun Things ▬▬▬▬🎐好物・Favorite Food
Udon! Ho fun and lai fun noodles! AND ALL THE NOODLES THAT EXIST!
好きなアニメ・Favorite Anime
Because of the humor+story: Jujutsu Kaisen, Fullmetal Alchemist, Kimetsu no Yaiba, Horimiya, 86
Fav Oldies/Nostalgia:
CLAMP series, Pokemon, Disney, Digimon, Gundam Seed/00, Yu Yu Hakusho, Tenchi Muyo, Full Moon wo Sagashite.
好きなもの・Things I Like
Snacking, sweet things, cats, handheld consoles, random/spontaneous excitement, watching paint dry, staring at the wall, staring at nothing, doing nothing, nothing nothing, noth...wat?
Watching anime/J-Dramas, voice acting, singing, watching people/spirits pass by.
Blue spiritual fire
Natural (cough bad cough) Good Luck
Ability to take human form


私は何ですか?・What Am I?
I am 100% Japanese!
Where are you from?
Born in Japan, raised in NorCal.
Current goals?
-My dream is to voice a character in a JP anime as well as the EN localization!
-Stream full-time and be able to afford it.
Favorite childhood games?
Pokemon Crystal+Sapphire, Fire Emblem 7, FFCC, Animal Crossing, Persona 3.
Random accomplishments?
I took apart and motherboard-swapped my JP and NA 3DS's so I could have a Disneyland themed NA region 3DS.


All Credits are @Twitter:Model 1 Mama: hinaki0102
Model 2 Mama: senri_kita
Rig Mama: Oykelichanx
Rig Papa+Animations: NotChaott
Godmother/Concept Art: Colorbrews
Shrine Garden+Full Screen Overlay: teacuppity
Evening Shrine Overlay+Panel Graphics: Lunatabby
Genshin Impact Overlay+Website: sieusui
Panel Art: milkurew
Logo, Sub Badges, Transition, Debut GIF: AerlyaGraphics
Starting Soon+Kotatsu Room BG: Omorphia1
BRB Art: senri_kita
Offline Art: senri_kita
Emotes: chiikadayo, VanillaTea_er, Hoopyon
Emote+Summer BG Animations: ZafyBaka
Channel Points Icon: chrchiee
BGM+Alerts: ChaLatteSan